It’s HERE! My First VoxBox!

So my #SurfsUpVoxBox from Influenster FINALLY arrived today! I was having a completely shitty day and this made it all better! I created my first Vlog and you can view that on my YouTube channel MrsSmith3 and I’ll post the link once it finishes uploading…which may take all damn night! But while it uploads I thought I’d go ahead and get a draft going. 🙂


***I received all of these products complimentary for product testing. I did not pay anything and that includes shipping.***

I got a coupon for a FREE Jamba Juice smoothie kit. It retails for $2.99-$3.49. I also received a coupon to receive $1.00 off of a Jamba Juice smoothie kit. So as soon as I can get to the store I’ll pick it up with my free coupon and let you guys know how I liked it. Hopefully it’ll be yummy. I haven’t had a smoothie from JJ in forever it seems…at least 5+ years.


In the box was some Sinful Colors nail polish in the ugliest color ever. Sorry if you like it…let me know and I’ll send it to you because I don’t like this color. It’s the Anchor’s Away and in my Vlog I said it could go away! I’ve used this brand before and after about the 3rd different polish I realized it wasn’t worth the $1.99 it costs. Yes that is super cheap but it’s a cheap polish I think. It takes at LEAST 2 coats to get to where you can’t see your nail…so you’re looking at about 3-4 coats to get that good coverage I like. Don’t get me wrong I’m all about paying $2 for some nail polish if I felt it was worth it.


Next in the box was this little bottle. Super cute packaging. FASTRelief(First Aid Shot Therapy) is an FDA compliant liquid pain reliever that is a drinkable shot. Neat huh?! It has NSAID which is basically Aleve. It is to be used for headaches. migraines, sore muscles, back pain, and hangover headache. I have not tried it YET but will post an update when I do. It’s berry flavored so hopefully it’ll taste good! Oh they retail for $2.99. I think I’ll stick with off brand OTC’s.


I got me some Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration After Sun -Ultra Hydrating Lotion and Soothing Aloe Gel. It is the Coconut Papaya scent and it smells delish! It’s supposed to be 24 hours of Moisturization…with refreshing ribbons of course! 😉 It retails for $2.99 for the 2oz and $8.99 for the 8oz which isn’t bad at all! I have fair skin and burn easily so IF I get too much sun I will definitely use this. Now my husband may get to try it out before me because he works outside some times. I did rub some on my hand and it’s super smooth and smells sooooo good! It also didn’t leave me sticky like some other after sun lotions I’ve used. Cough** cough** Banana Boat…


And last but not least the Covergirl Lashblast Bombshell Curvaceous mascara. It has the BEST packaging and I was sooooo excited to get this and try it out. I’ve got little lashes and since having my second child it seems like they are coming out more and getting thinner. I dunno…so I slapped this bad boy on doing both of the steps and was SO disappointed! I’m so glad I didn’t pay the $9.49-$11.99 for it. It clumped up and felt heavy on my lashes. I didn’t like it. I currently use L’Oreal Double Extend and LOVE it. Since using that I can tell a difference in my lashes when I’m not wearing that and I think I’ll stick to that. The wands are super cool and it wasn’t hard to apply by any means but I was not a fan! 😦 Which bummed me out because I was so excited to use it and keep it in my makeup bag. I love the packaging…did I tell you that?! Haha.




So all in all I was kind of bummed but still happy if that makes sense?! I didn’t like half the things I got which were the nail polish and the mascara. Go figure huh?! Hopefully if I get enough followers on here to read my reviews and YouTube subscribers I’ll be qualified for other boxes! Still excited to get something though. Today was just crap and to get a box of FREE stuff damn near all full size is awesome! Plus my mom sent my kids a couple of goodies so it was a good mail day! 🙂

If you are interested in learning more about Influenster please check out my previous blog entry. Send me your email and I can send you the Invite! You can get stuff like this too…for FREE! Who wouldn’t want that?!

Thanks for reading!



Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @morganlsmith3…for both. And my YouTube name is MrsSmith3.